Caging Options

Ball pythons are one of the most beloved reptiles in captivity, known for their docile temperament, manageable size, and stunning array of morphs. To provide the best care, it’s crucial to understand both their natural history and specific needs.

white and brown snake on white surface
white and brown snake on white surface
brown and beige snake skin
brown and beige snake skin
white and brown snake on black background
white and brown snake on black background
a close up of a snake on a rock
a close up of a snake on a rock

Housing Options

Rubbermaid tubs and plastic bins are a practical and cost-effective option for housing ball pythons, especially for beginners or keepers with multiple snakes. These tubs are lightweight, stackable, and easy to clean, making them ideal for maintaining multiple enclosures efficiently. They retain humidity exceptionally well, which is crucial for ball pythons, particularly during shedding cycles. Tubs come in various sizes, with a 28-quart tub suitable for juveniles and larger tubs (e.g., 41-quart) ideal for adults. Ensure the tub has a secure lid, and modify it with ventilation holes to allow adequate airflow. Heating can be provided using an under-tub heat mat connected to a thermostat to prevent overheating. While functional, Rubbermaid tubs lack visual appeal and enrichment opportunities, so they’re better suited for breeding setups or keepers prioritizing simplicity over aesthetics. Common issues with tubs: The lids need to be secure as your snake will constantly be exploring and looking for openings. I suggest gaffer's tape for additional methods to secure the lid. Tubs also need high ventilation to avoid excess moisture buildup.

Glass terrariums are a popular choice for ball python keepers who want an enclosure that allows easy viewing of their pet. Aquariums come in various sizes and are widely available, with a 40-gallon tank recommended for adult ball pythons; females may need larger enclosures than males. While they offer excellent visibility, maintaining proper humidity in glass enclosures can be challenging due to the openness of mesh lids. This can be mitigated by partially covering the lid with plastic or aluminum foil to retain moisture. Glass tanks also require external heating, such as an under-tank heat pad or ceramic heat emitter, regulated by a thermostat. Adding decor like hides, climbing branches, and fake plants can enhance the tank's appearance and provide enrichment for the snake. However, aquariums are heavier, harder to clean, and less secure than other options, making them more suitable for keepers with only a few snakes. Common issues with terrariums: Ball pythons are nocturnal/crepuscular so they will not be active when you are typically awake. This can be made worse by high-intensity lighting making them feel stressed and exposed. Fill the aquarium with objects to hide under including caves, fake/real plants, and ample bedding for burrowing.

PVC enclosures are a premium option, offering durability, insulation, and ease of maintenance. These enclosures are lightweight yet sturdy and are designed to retain heat and humidity better than glass tanks. PVC enclosures often include sliding or hinged doors and built-in ventilation, making them secure and easy to access. A 4’x2’x2’ PVC enclosure is ideal for adult ball pythons, providing ample space for enrichment and movement. Heating options include radiant heat panels or heat mats controlled by a thermostat. These enclosures are more expensive upfront but are highly recommended for long-term use due to their superior functionality.

silhouette of man holding flashlight
silhouette of man holding flashlight

Ball Python Care

The care guide for ball pythons is incredibly informative! It helped me understand their habitat needs and common issues. Highly recommend for new snake owners!

Alex Smith

white cotton buds on white surface
white cotton buds on white surface


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woman in brown jacket and blue denim jeans holding red umbrella
woman in brown jacket and blue denim jeans holding red umbrella